Overview :
Featuring seven different yet intertwined stories of modern life in Istanbul, 7 Faces is a thought-provoking drama centering on seven characters living in the same city apartment building. Each of them faces a major change in their lives, which requires them to confront their biggest fear or weakness.
Cast :
Alihan : Sabahattin Yakut
Zeynep Dinsel
Merve Dizdar
Furkan Didim
Melisa Sözen
Pınar Göktaş
Sinan Tuzcu
Cem Davran
Gizem Erdem
Fatih Dönmez
Burak Sarımola
Ulaşcan Kutlu
Aslıhan Kapanşahin
İpek Filiz Yazıcı
Destina Başer
Ferhan Gül
Writer :
Alphan Eşeli
Genres :
Drama, Mystery
Scenes :
Overviews In Various Languages :
Met zeven verschillende maar met elkaar verweven verhalen over het moderne leven in Istanbul, is dit een tot nadenken stemmend drama over zeven personages die in hetzelfde stadsappartement wonen. Elk van hen staat voor een grote verandering in hun leven, waardoor ze hun grootste angst of zwakte onder ogen moeten zien.
7 Faces
Featuring seven different yet intertwined stories of modern life in Istanbul, 7 Faces is a thought-provoking drama centering on seven characters living in the same city apartment building. Each of them faces a major change in their lives, which requires them to confront their biggest fear or weakness.
7 Faces
Um provocante drama focado em sete personagens que vivem no mesmo edifício, enquanto cada um deles enfrenta um grande acontecimento em sua vida, obrigando-os a encarar seus maiores medos e saindo de sua zona de conforto.