İçimizden Biri
Overview :
Adam and Havva have grown up worlds apart. He is the son of an Irish Catholic pastor, she the daughter of a Muslim family that adheres strongly to its traditions. And yet, though their lives seem to be poles apart, fate brings them together, both working as research assistants at a top university.
Cast :
Havva Aladağ : Özge Yağız
Adam Willson : Bora Akkaş
Hünkar Aladağ : Mustafa Avkıran
Adile Aladağ : Benian Dönmez
William Willson : Renan Bilek
Eva Willson : Derya Alabora
Büklüm Tatlılı : Asuman Dabak
Bahtiyar Tatlılı : Faruk Akgören
Hanım Gürler : Deniz Cengiz
Gürbüz Gürler : Burak Satıbol
Hatun Güler : Ceren Yalazoğlu Karakoç
Hulusi Güler : Korhan Herduran
Ozan Can Yiğit
Metin Çanak
İrem Tuncer
Pelin Şükrüoğlu
Writer :
Ersoy Güler
Genres :
Comedy, Family, Drama
Scenes :
Overviews In Various Languages :
One of Us
Adam and Havva have grown up worlds apart. He is the son of an Irish Catholic pastor, she the daughter of a Muslim family that adheres strongly to its traditions. And yet, though their lives seem to be poles apart, fate brings them together, both working as research assistants at a top university.
Adam en Havva zijn in verschillende werelden opgegroeid. Hij is de zoon van een Ierse katholieke predikant, zij de dochter van een moslimfamilie die sterk vasthoudt aan hun tradities. En toch, ook al lijken hun levens twee polen te zijn, brengt het lot hen samen, beiden werkend als onderzoeksassistent aan een topuniversiteit.